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Happy, yes! Noticeably happier to others, not just to myself. I find myself smiling, engaging more,. It is still a daily reminder that I can choose how I want to see the world that day. Birthday weekend is a great way to look at things. At first I didn't want to deal with the bother, to plan and organize and be put out , on the day that was supposed to be for me. I have a very hard time letting go of control and letting others plan and do for me. Couldn't just say to my sister, COME and BE WITH ME. I made her nuts with all my wishy washy decisions, I was looking at it more from the lines of not wanting be a bother. I say I don't want anyone to make a fuss, want a fuss , want it to be about me, don't want it to be a big deal...well guess what, I cant have it both ways!  Thankfully the family knows this about me and surrounded me with love anyways! Sweet Brady made me breakfast in bed Dad and I made chutney and appetizers for us. Randy and Mitchell made d
Recent posts

A Week In Review: Happiness Update

Its been a little over a week since I decided to change the outlook of my mind. I have not left 1 note for my family to do things. I have asked, one time for things to get done, and assumed they would get done. I have followed the advice of Gretchen Rubin, leaving 3 things unsaid. I wrote a list of 40 things that make me happy and I circled over half of them as having occurred in the week. I journaled 3 things that were good every night and tried to write a little more than that. This was a rough week for me to start this project. A new work setting, longer days, commuting to work. I figured it would be harder to get into the groove of making a new habit. I continued to push through and I have to say I am proud of my work. I was less stressed about getting things done. I worked on the commandment I gave myself to Let It GO. Here are the changes I noticed both from myself and my family: 1. I spoke in a kinder way. 2. I listened more than usual. 3. When things came up such as a tes

Making the Most Of It

My entire adult life I have worked mornings. I have also always worked within 10 miles of my home. This month I am working 50 min away and I have an evening shift. Normal Karen would  bitch and moan about the whole process. Happier me says "let it go" and "act the way I want to feel ", 2 of my happiness commandments. Now to figure out how to put this into practice? The first challenge was the commute. I chose to listen to some lighthearted  chic lit (Jojo Moyes,  The Ship of Brides ) . Listening to someone read outloud is such a joy. I am not thinking about anything other than the drive and the story. The second was the late night. I tried to sleep in. I made it til 7 am. I forced myself to stay in bed. I surfed the phone, I grabbed a cup of coffee, made my bed and got back into it!! current situation: see photo! Happiness Obtained.

Lists Lead to Happiness

Listing things is one of my favorite ways to add the calm to my over active brain. Organizing my thoughts is way more important to me than organizing my house. I like the order, the writing with a pen or marker and that satisfying way of crossing out the finished job, (in case of a long and tricky list, I write "Make List" cross it off and start to feel accomplished, seriously, try it.) Today's lists included making a strategy for myself on how I want to pursue this happiness I need. I came up with my 12 areas of improvement and the commandments I will use to help me get there. I will discuss those of course in depth as I increase my blog writing. I also needed something a little easy on my brain to give a jump start to this happiness project I have going .  Barnes and Noble had this  Do More Of What Makes You Happy  journal..full of lined pages perfect for organizing my thoughts, and hello 75% off so at  $3.71, and then the  52 lists of Happiness  are a great star

That Fresh New Blog Smell

Smell it? A new blog out there in the universe. What will make this different you wonder. Do I need another blog to read? Another persons thoughts out there ? The answer is , most likely not. Most likely there are many 40 something year old women on a pursuit of their best selves. Most likely you do not need another blog about "one woman's journey to find a better , happier outlook on life".  So why? I am doing this, as are most blogs are, selfishly. I want to find the threads in which I can pull on to bring me back to aha moments and a blog is the journal my 16 year old self would have wished into the world. Inspiration: The Happiness Project. Gretchen Rubin's wonderful book about truly being happy, and the journey there. I have voiced loudly, my disdain of self help . No Secret for me, no H